Halooo, it's a very long time since my last time posting here~
Hari pertama di bulan Februari 2023 ini aku bersama Dwi dan Rani staycation di Aryaduta Tugu Tani, haha selalu disini dulu waktu nemenin Cyntia juga staycation di Ardut pertengahan Mei 2022 :')
Entah saat aku memutuskan untuk memperbarui resume malah ingin menulis di blog. Terakhir kali aku bersemangat mengisi form lamaran pekerjaan dengan sungguh-sungguh sepertinya tahun 2018 dan sewaktu aku membacanya lagi haha emang englishnya acakadut tapi aku bersyukur saat itu aku menuliskannya, setelah kubaca lagi mengingatkanku tentang tahun-tahun yang telah berhasil kujalani. Aku merasa sangat bersyukur kepada Allah atas semua pengalaman itu hingga bisa membentuk diriku menjadi sekarang ini.
Gapapa lah ya aku post disini, dengan editan grammarly haha
Personal Development
Looking at your life as a whole, indicate what events and experiences you consider to have been particularly influential in your personal development e.g. changes relating not only to school and work experience, but also to home location, health, personal, and family circumstances. List the events separately and give a brief indication of how they have influenced your development.
- I thought that being here in Semarang, the city where I was born is a mistake. It’s my comfort zone. After graduating from high school, I tried to move out of there and went to another city. I want to be a diplomat or journalist, it was my childhood dream but I failed. I ever thought that study in engineering is hard, but it make me can view it from a different perspective and get more knowledge to develop myself. Studying engineering push me to do beyond my limit. A quarter-life crisis is so confusing, but I know that everything shall pass. From that moment, I told to myself for don’t do something that I want to do, but I have to do something that I should do. When it comes harder, I’ll always try to do my best. And I believe, like one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come”.
2015 - 2016
- I join the Study Forum in the Engineering Faculty of Diponegoro University, in the department of Public Relations, there was a big project in our department called “Desa Binaan FST” that was held annually. In 2016, there were two programs one is about the environment and the other one is about education. Environment program named EnviroCare, we do cooperation with BLH Province Central Java for providing trash cans (organic and inorganic) so that people can do sorting of solid waste. And for the education program, we do teaching in elementary school about dreams, art, and quiz. In 2016 There is a program in TPQ Dusun Deliksari to teach the student about awareness of the environment, quizzes sorting solid waste, and watching educational videos about the environment. And program community development makes verticulture plants with plastic bottles. In the two years I was involved, I learn to manage limited sources and still can make things done.
- I do an internship at PT Indonesia Toray Synthetics in Tangerang City. Its a Japan’s company that produces synthetic fiber such as polyester, nylon, and resin. It becomes a memorable experience because it was the first time I live in another city except my hometown, Semarang, for a month. I learn many things there. A topic that I had for my internship report is wastewater treatment in PT ITS. I also learn how safety culture is important for preventing accidents during work. And I get some points from Japanese and Indonesian employees, that time is priceless and discipline is a necessity to improve our personality.
- I become a participant in PELTAC (Professional Engineering Leadership Teamwork Awareness Camp) 2016 in UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Johor Bahru, Malaysia held by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Student Chapter S227 UTM. It's such a great experience ever. I had a week full of activities such as seminars about the engineering profession, communication skills, debate, and speech contests, also cashflow board games that give me a different point of view about entrepreneurship and investment, it teach me no matter your job is, how big your salary is, if you want to make your dream comes true you should have passive income that bigger than your expenses. I get the point on how to become a successful person. On the last night of the event, there was a performance night for each group, my group consisted of 10 people (8 from Indonesia, 2 from Yaman), and we should do a group performance, but we only had time a night before the performance to do the practice. We decided to do drama and dance. As I join extracurricular saman dance in my department, I could teach them saman dance. Saman dance is a traditional dance from Aceh, it has harmonious moves. We practice till 3 am and the day we performed it, we get 2nd best group performance, and we were so happy. After the event, I had to go to Singapore backpacking with 4 of my friends. It was my first time going abroad, and I get so many experiences with traveling to foreign countries. It increases my awareness about being a global citizen, diversity is harmony.
- I make a project during KKN Tematik Posdaya Dangkel Semi with an education and environment theme. Enviro-Rangers Programme to increase awareness of environmental issues for children, the activities such as watching videos about water and energy consumption, doing games to educate children on how to classify solid wastes based on their material, as organic or inorganic waste, and giving them an insight about global warming with the quiz and some stickers. Teaching children to reuse inorganic waste (plastic bottles) to make something useful like a piggy bank, can reduce the amount of solid waste production and encourage children to learn to save money by making their own piggy banks. These experiences make me more aware of society life, and try to share something that I could do for a better environment.